Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Prayer


I believe you have faithfully been teaching Kevin and me over these years. I desire for you to have your way. It has not been easy, and at times my heart is very overwhelmed because of my lack of knowledge and faith in you. I know my heart is dark and stubborn. My emotions sweep me away faster than I think to find my footing. Please give us wisdom. Please teach us to search for you like gold and treasure you more than all our earthly possessions, and love you more than we love each other. Teach us to love our church and neighbors, so that we may know your love.
Thank you for all your love and grace to keep living and loving day by day. If it were not for your favor we would have given up long ago. Unite us in your love, and give us the grace to share your love with this child you have blessed us with.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Blindside

Today, as I was leaving for lunch, I got hit by a door. Yes, a door. Already frustrated and overwhelmed by the previous 4 hours of my day, all my petty worries exploded out as the door jammed into my body, forcing a few expletives out of my mouth. Thanks door.
The boil was soon reduced to a slow, constant simmer as I stumbled out the front door to the parking lot.
Life is full of unexpected slaps, turns, surprises, door punches you might say, and I find in those moments a well-spring of pent up emotions and underlying discomfort with life find a way of spilling over.
Trials, if you would like to call them that, have a way of instantaneously stripping back the facade we believe we wear so well, and perhaps we do to the point even we believe our lie. Fear is the same. Think of the last time you were afraid. You heard a noise in the middle of the night or came so close to almost getting into that car accident. For me, it is when I am on a plane. In that rushing moment when your heart speeds to a deafening volume, and all you can do is breathe. We are so vulnerable.
My prayer is that my time with the Lord would be constant. That I would lay my fears, worries and everything else before Him. So when the door slaps come in life and hit you in your blindside (not the movie, thanks), there is no boil under the surface, but instead a true peace and trust, with a hope that can face any trial, even death itself.
p.s. watch out for those doors, and I am sorry if this was cheezy. :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Yes, this is Snow in Dallas

Snow in Dallas! Of course everyone has been talking about this since it happened, but REALLY this IS Dallas! Still can't believe it. While everyone else was tucked safely indoors, we braved the "icy" and "treacherous" roads, armed with a boogie board, cookie sheets and a random cigarette sign. We were not doing some baking or enjoying crazy water festivitities, but we were going SLEDDING. It went something like this: sled down the hill. Fall. Bruise your knee, hip and side. Get back up. Walk like a drunk person up the hill. Start over. Awesome.

It was so much fun and a memory shared with friends which I will never forget.

In the Clouds

Today is a big day for us. Not because we heard any great news; we are still in the waiting. I called Duke and they informed me the letters have been mailed out...OH BOY...
So, here we are in the clouds still. I thought of that today as Dallas has been swallowed in the clouds. Pretty fascinating when you think about it - Fog. I kind of feel like that is how our life has been for a while now; swallowed in a mist.
So, here is to being in the clouds and waiting a few more days to hear from Duke.